購物滿 HKD 450.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨 )

100% 純天然精油- 馬鬱蘭(馬喬蓮/馬郁蘭)




100% 純天然植物香薰油 – 馬鬱蘭(又稱:馬郁蘭/馬喬蓮) 拉丁學名: Origanum marjorana 產地: 西班牙 萃取方法: 蒸餾法 萃取部份: 葉子和花 精油特質: 深黃色至棕.色,是一種香料的氣味。 揮發性: 中 功效:- 身體:頭痛、失眠、偏頭痛、神經緊張、舒緩壓力、降低血壓 運動後肌肉疼痛、關節炎、腰痛、風濕、扭傷 哮喘、支氣管炎、咳嗽、喉嚨痛 腸絞痛、消化不良、胃氣脹、便秘、腹瀉 調理月經週期、經痛 其他:驅蟲 **注意事項: 懷孕期慎用 適合共同調配精油: 茴香、雪松、肉桂、羅勒、乳香、香蜂草、薑、茉莉花、天竺葵、檸檬、薰衣草、佛手柑、羅馬洋甘菊、甜橙、花梨木、依蘭 100% Pure Natural Essential Oils - Marjoram Botanical name: Origanum marjorana Plant part: Leaves and flowering tops Extraction: Steam distilled Common uses: Sweet Marjoram oil has been known for its warming and analgesic properties. It has also been known to calm nervous tension and stress related conditions. Strength of aroma: Medium Aromatic scent: Warm, spicy and aromatic aroma. Caution: No known toxicity. Avoid during pregnancy.
