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100%純天然精油-香桃木 Myrtle




100% 純天然植物香薰油 – 香桃木 拉丁學名: Mytus ommunis 產地: 法國 萃取方法: 蒸餾法 萃取部份: 樹、葉子和枝 精油特質: 透明至淡黃色,清新怡人的氣味。 揮發性: 中 功效:- 身體:氣喘、支氣管炎、鼻竇炎、呼吸道感染、子宮補藥 美容:油性皮膚、粉刺、疤痕、牛皮癬、毛孔粗大、瘀傷 注意事項: 低劑量使用 100% Pure Natural Essential Oils - Myrtle Botanical name: Mytus communis Plant part: Leaves and twigs Extraction: Steam distilled Common uses: Myrtle has traditionally been used for the treatment of head lice when used diluted. Strength of aroma: Strong Aromatic scent: Fresh, camphoraceous and spicy aroma Caution: Non-toxic, non-irritating and non-sensitising. Avoid during pregnancy.
