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100%純天然精油-百合花 Lily




100% 純天然植物精油- 百合花 學名:Lilium Longiflorum Thumb 產地: 萃取方法:蒸餾 萃取部位:花 功效: 鬆弛劑 - 減少焦慮、壓力和情緒問題 助眠——緩解肌肉緊張。 對神經緊張、偏頭痛和失眠有舒緩和鎮靜作用。 混合金盞花油搽於皮膚: 適合敏感肌膚,緩解粉刺、濕疹、皺紋和牛皮癬。 有助於傷口、疤痕和燒傷的癒合。 可混合面霜用作面部保濕霜 可混基礎油用於按摩 - 沐浴時、沐浴後、乾燥角質層和肘部。 100% Pure Natural Essential Oils – Lily Botanical name: Lilium Longiflorum Thumb Plant part: Flower Extraction: Stream distilled Common uses: Relaxant-Reduce anxiety,phusical and emotional signs of stress. Sleep Aid – relieve muscle tension. Soothing and calming effect on nervous tension, migranies and insomnia. Mixed with calendula oil for sensitive skin. Alleviate acne,eczema, wrinkles & psoriasis. Aids in healing of wound, scar, and burns. Facial moisturizer, under-eye oil and hot-oil treatment. For massage- in a bath, after a bath, for dry cuticles and elbows. Strength of aroma: Medium Aromatic scent: Sweet, floral, herbaceous aroma with balsamic-woody undertones. Caution: Non-tonix, non-irritant and non-sensitising
